The Science (and Practical Reality) of Motivation

Motivation is a fascinating and often misunderstood topic. After 20+ years of working with people to make permanent and often really difficult longterm changes, there are key points of insight and interest. They are the common threads that bind us together.

Would you like to feel better than you do right now?

Most of us answer ‘yes’ to this at some point during our lives. Collectively, we share so many common behavioral and psychological traits. Such as our dreams of personal and professional fulfillment, having an abundance of energy for the hobbies that we are passionate about, and the fortitude to see and experience our dreams as they become a reality.

Do you feel like your motivation is high enough to make necessary changes?

The difference between those who are able to pursue their wildest dreams, and those that are more reluctant to change their status quo, is motivation.

But you may be surprised to hear that motivation is not something that we attain or something that we might get in the future if we are lucky. It’s inside you. A useful analogy for this is:

Power plants do not have energy. They generate energy. Humans do not have the motivation, we generate it, and it’s up to us to cultivate it.

Oftentimes, people search outside themselves for motivation, but it is short-lived. In reality, this truth is a blessing. It means that every one of us is in control of our destiny.

The Double-Edged Sword

The hard part is that we must look inward. Even when we are not feeling our best or living the life we had imagined. The first step towards improving one’s health, relationships, or professional situation begins with holding yourself accountable.

The definition of empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. This makes motivation the most self-empowering tool at your disposal.

Brendon Burchard, a motivation researcher, and New York Times best-selling author has found motivation is only comprised of and limited by two things: ambition and expectancy.

  • Ambition = your desire for something more
  • Expectancy = your belief in your strength and confidence to make your dreams happen

How This Applies To Your Fitness Goals

Past experiences of disappointment, lacking support, or inconsistent results may lead us to lower our ambitions.

But what if you couldn’t fail? What would you dream of? What would your life look like? Why not dream dreams that exceed even your own expectations of possibility?

Our hope is that you begin to recognize any self-limiting beliefs and start to have a conversation with yourself about what it is you want.

You can be that incredible family member, a superstar in your career, AND have the level of health and fitness that you dream. You deserve to be a priority in your life. Do not wait another second. Go for it!